Empowering urban youth for food and climate action - Food Wave

Empowering urban youth
for food and climate action

A research produced by Està with the coordination of Mani Tese
on 18 European cities part of the Food Wave project

This report is an opportunity to gain a better understanding on how European cities are becoming the new living laboratories for the development of innovative urban food practices and policies.

The Food Wave project, thanks to this report produced by Està with the coordination of Mani Tese, is aiming to bring a wider view on the new actors who are playing an influential role within these new policies: young people. And by conducting an exploratory overview, the report’s data and insights shed light on the outcomes derived from the greater inclusiveness of young people in the development of these urban food practices and policies.

Scroll down the page to see the map with the cities involved in this study. Click on each city’s pinpoint to access the specific case study or download the full report.